Wednesday, December 26, 2007

You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby

Lyrics, lyrics, lyrics...can you guess the song?

Isn't she lovely
Isn't she wonderful
Isn't she precious
Less than one minute old

Ev'ryone can see we're together
As we walk on by
(FLY!) and we fly just like birds of a feather
I won't tell no lie
(ALL!) all of the people around us they say
Can they be that close
Just let me state for the record
We're giving love in a family dose

I know somebody and they cry for you
They lie awake and dream of you
I bet you never even know they do
but somebody's crying

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Tossing Your Cookies

Cookies, cookies, and more cookies. The Nazarczyks don't do anything small. There were about six dozen cookies to decorate.

Connor and Alex were intent on making great Christmas cookies. There wasn't one in the bunch worth tossing.

Gabby and Tameka showed off their best cookies.

Barb let June use one of Alex's old shirts. Decorating cookies can be very messy.

Monday, December 24, 2007

It's A Charlie Brown Christmas?

We were going to put up our four foot tree this year instead of the big one. June is into everything, so we thought it would be better. We haven't used it since Gabby was little and I forgot that it wasn't prelit. So, instead of saving the lights for the tree, I put up the only christmas lights that we had out on the front porch. Oh well, we have this cute fiber-optic tree. It works perfectly for this year. Next year we go back to the big tree.

As you can see here, June was having fun with the Christmas decorations. We didn't have to encourage her. She thought that all the pretty, shiny stuff looked like it would be fun to play with.

Gabby tried desperately to add a little Christmas cheer everywhere she could. Unfortunately this mirror wasn't going to accept the garland.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happiness and Wisdom

My aunt knitted June this beautiful sweater. The left pocket has the symbol for happiness. The right pocket has the symbol for wisdom. None of us realized that my aunt had made it herself until we read the attached card. Gabby kept saying that she couldn't believe it. It looked like it had been bought in a store. What a wonderful gift for June to have to pass on to her children.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Let's Eat

Got Yogurt!

It's been a tough day.
Eat, play, poop, sleep.

Mom ate my cookie! Bad mommy! Bad!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Snow Day

Daisy absolutely loves the snow. She runs so fast that I can't catch her on camera, so I have to wait for her to stop.

Today was June's first experience in the snow. At first she was hesitant, then she realized how fun it was to crawl around and went for it.

After a lot of fun in the snow, Gabby, Tameka and Jaquan came inside to pose for their picture. I told them that if they made faces that their faces would freeze that way. Apparently it was cold enough for them to actually freeze.

It was a great day for a snowball fight. Gabby and Tameka did their best to make sure that the other one got as snowy as possible.

17 Months

Junie turned 17 months old today. We had her looked at by our local EI (early intervention) program. Three people came to the house and looked at her speech, large motor, and fine motor skills. June has the skill level of a 12 month old right now, so she qualified for services through the county. Because she has only been with us three months, I opted to wait six more months to see if she catches up. Most babies will catch up on their own without any services. The EI people thought that she would catch up on her own, but said that if she didn't that she could be reevaluated.

So, where is Junie now? She isn't walking, but is getting close. She is walking along furniture and taking a step or two between two people. She would rather be carried. She still doesn't like going to the child watch at the Y. She cries if we even get close to the door. So, for now it looks like I'm going to have to pay to have her watched while I work.
She's not saying any real words yet, but she does understand us. The only word that she is saying is ma, meaning more when she's eating. She only says it if we don't see her shake her head up and down and then it isn't very loud unless there is a cookie or cake involved. Then she says, "Ma, ma" quite loudly. I guess she likes her sweets.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Gabby has officially quit gymnastics and has joined a Y basketball team. She has been all nerves about it since she doesn't know anything about basketball. So far her practices have been good, but very tiring for her. Last practice they ran well over a mile during a competition against the boys team that works out with them.

Gabby had her first game Saturday. She was a bit confused, but did a good job blocking her opponents who were very aggressive. Hopefully she'll gain some confidence after a couple more games.