Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gifts From Scrooge

My grandfather was cleaning out some of the stuffed animals that he had saved over the years. Gabby and Junie were excited to have them.

You may ask, why is this post titled, "Gifts From Scrooge"? Well, let me tell you. Before Gabby was born, my grandmother, Gabby's great grandmother, told me that she would like to be called Gigi. I asked her what she thought we should call my grandfather, who as a kid I thought was a grumpy old man. My grandmother thought about it and said, "Bah Humbug. That fits him." I agreed and we laughed about it. To make it easier on Gabby, when she was little, we shortened his name to Bah and it stuck. We've called him Bah ever since.

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