Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mr. Brown Can Moo

June loves books. All of us read to her, but special time with her big sis is extra fun.

Gabby has been having some foot problems. Dr. thinks it is a swollen growth plate, but not sure. He can't tell her whether going back to gymnastics is a good idea or not and thinks we should consult a specialist that deals with olympians. Okay, reality check.

Gabby and I decided that she could go back, but needed to ice her feet and take an anti-inflamatory after each practice. So far this has been working. If she starts having a lot of pain again, she'll be done with gymnastics. Only time will tell. She really wants to do gymnastics, but her health will have to come first.

1 comment:

Kari Frost said...

Sophia LOVES to read, too! I'm so glad for this...I think it's so important to have this passion!

Please tell Gabby that I'm thinking about her and hoping that her foot heals up and she can continue with her gymnastics!!!

Hope you all are doing well!!! Much love from The Frosts!